Our beers are all hand-crafted in small batches on the premises. Enjoy one of our ales or lagers, available in 10oz glass, pint, pitcher or growler. We are a small brewery and only have capacity to offer a few of our beers at a time. Please ask your server which beers are pouring today!

Bubbaganouj IPA
35 IBU • 7.0% ABV
A rich golden ale characterized by its upfront hop bitterness & floral aroma. Overtones of fruity esters balance out this big beer, making it the Pride of Flagstaff.

Three-Pin Pale Ale
32 IBU • 6.0% ABV
Quickly becoming one of our most desired ales, this classic American Pale Ale has a stunning gold color & a strong hop finish. A medium to light bodied ale that refreshes every time.

Agassiz Amber
18 IBU • 5.75% ABV
One of our most popular ales. This medium bodied American Amber has a delicate balance of caramel malt with Cascade & Willamette hops. This brew is sure to please everyone.

Blackbird Porter
20 IBU • 6.0% ABV
A silky-smooth, reddish-brown porter epitomized by a balance of full bodied flavor & subtle hop undertones. A mild roasted flavor lingers on the palate, giving this beer a wellrounded finish.

Sasquatch Stout
12 IBU • 6.7% ABV
A full bodied, full flavored black beer topped with a creamy brown head. Sweet chocolaty overtones are balanced with subtle malt & hop bitterness. Served under nitrogen pressure to provide the smoothest taste.

Kolsch Style Ale
12 IBU • 5.2% ABV
This German style beer is light-bodied, slightly sweet, with a crisp and clean finish attributed to the single hop profile. Prost!

Weisspread Wheat
7 IBU • 5.5% ABV
A traditional hefeweizen, brewed with Bavarian yeast. This unfiltered nectar has hints of clove & bananas due to the truly unique yeast used in the process. A perfect brew for those hot summer days on the patio.

Bitterroot ESB
41 IBU • 5.75% ABV
A definitive ESB. A reddish beer of medium malt flavor with a crisp dry hop finish. This beer is a hop lover’s dream. Dry hopped with Chinook, one of the strongest finishing hops around.

Specialty Ales
Keep your eyes peeled for seasonal and special releases, as well as cask-conditioned ales.